Clinic: eenheid met je paard

Deze clinic is reeds afgelopen...

KENNETH VANSWEEVELT & NOORA EHNQVIST + liberty trainer Heather Nelson

18/04/2019 - 22/04/2019 (aankomst 17/04/2019)
5 dagen met 1 doel: eenheid

Deze clinic gaat over de kracht van het trainen van paard en mens, terwijl we de gedachten open houden.
"Om vrijheid te vinden hebben we structuur nodig, en om structuur te vinden hebben we vrijheid nodig om paard en ruiter open te laten bloeien."

Het doel van de clinic is om bodyAwareness en academische rijkunst bij elkaar te brengen: ze zullen stapsgewijs educatieve aspecten betrekken tot hun lessen,
terwijl ze de gedachten, de ziel en het hart open houden. Deze elementen zouden samen moeten werken om ons uit te dagen om meer duidelijkheid en dieptegang in de trainingen te steken.
Noora en Kenneth zullen samen lesgeven en samenwerken met het paard om zo interactieve discussies te hebben met de groep over hun inzichten.

In de clinic krijg je:

met paard:

met en zonder paard:


Heather Nelson, liberty teacher, 1 van de 3 instructeurs van de clinic

We joined together from Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Finland, and Canada to journey into Unity in a five day retreat at the magical farm of Groensdael Equestrian in Vise. 
We dove right in with theory every morning with Kenneth Vansweevelt to help us understand the biomechanics of the horses, then found our bounce and our inner peace and strength with Body Awareness with Noora Ehnqvist. 
Participants with horses experienced their practice fully in private lessons. Noora and Kenneth came together to collaborate and simultaneously teach each lesson. It's rare for two instructors to melt their knowledge together this way but the lessons flowed easily and the teamwork provided a beautiful balance. 
I worked with the participants in liberty for two out of the five days. It was such a joy to watch people let go and bring their understanding of the energy and the practical side together out in the open field. 
Throughout the week the big word for me was "effortlessness." I watched the people and horses find the flow and dialogue that was unique to each partnership.
We also had a ton of fun and learned some salsa from our passionate panther of a dance instructor, Noora!
The experience was so satisfying that we intend to continue on with our journey in three clinics in 2020.

Veerle, toeschouwer 

What a truly amazing journey we had in only 5 days!! 
Sweet Horses - open and soulful people - relaxing body awareness sessions - interesting theorie classes - even some salsa dancing and tons of happy pony-energy😄🤩!! 
And all this in this truly amazing place all day blessed by the sun!! Thank You so much to all the participants for creating this heartwarming energy together and of course to Kenneth Vansweevelt, Noora Ehnqvist, Heather Nelson and Groensdael Equestrian for making this possible!!
